
In order to guarantee the financial security of your future EUROLIFE Group offers a broad range of products and plans with the main emphasis on capital-forming life and accident insurance.

These internationally well proven products meet the strict requirements of our clients and are offered in packages which are tailored to the specific needs and demands of our customers.

GRAWE Excellent elite

The GRAWE Excellent elite program was based on GRAWE Excellent - a classic program of life insurance with accumulation. The insurance sum is paid at the end term of agreement, or in the case of death or serious illness. The agreement includes children (own or adopted) from 3 to 18 years old, which were in the family at the signing of agreement, and those that will appear during the program's term. This flexible program allows its clients to pick the desired annual insurance sum, its duration and offers possible changes to the agreement.

What GRAWE Excellent elite is

  • Life insurance
  • Serious illness insurance (20 for adults and 12 for children)
  • Constant accumulation
  • Increase of capital

The main rate can be combined with additional risk insurance rates.

What GRAWE Excellent additional is

  • Additional security in case of death due to an accident: the invested amount is doubled
  • Additional security in case of disability due to an accident: a percentage of the invested amount is paid out.
GRAWE Excellent elite
Program term: 10 - 47 years
Age of an insured at issue date: 18 - 55 years
Minimal annual premium: 300 EUR
Policy holder should be an individual or a legal entity  
Gender: male/female
Age: 30 years (D.O.B. 1985)
Contract term:   20 years
Annual investment:   1.000 EUR
Accumulated amount: 17.259 EUR
Participation in the income*)  5.954,23 EUR
Planned income 23.213,23 EUR
Normal payment: invested amount in accordance to the policy + participation in the income, accumulated to this moment
Payment in case of death due to an accident: doubled investment in accordance to the policy + participation in the income, accumulated to this moment
*) The details regarding participation in the non-guaranteed income are calculated according to 2015 and are subject to change