
In order to guarantee the financial security of your future EUROLIFE Group offers a broad range of products and plans with the main emphasis on capital-forming life and accident insurance.

These internationally well proven products meet the strict requirements of our clients and are offered in packages which are tailored to the specific needs and demands of our customers.

GRAWE Excellent group

Grawe Excellent group – a program, combining the ability of accumulation and life insurance. Developed specificaly for enterpreneurs, who wish to secure the future of their employees.

Increase of an employee's salary and any bonuses come out really severed after taxes, and only bring a fraction of it's original value.

The product of GRAWE Excellent group is more profitable for the company, since the insurance allows for the use of tax discounts. As well as that, it is a perfect form of motivation and upkeep of employee loyalty, which is the best way to show care and attention of the employers.

GRAWE Excellent group main insurance can be combined with additionals:

Main insurance

  • The bonus include the ability of accumulation and life insurance. These bonuses will be invested with a minimal risk, and half of the income will be payed back with the insurance amount

Additional insurance

  • Accidental death insurance
  • Accidental disability insurance


GRAWE Excellent group contract conditions
Minimal insured group should consist of at least 10 persons  
Shortest contract: 10 years
Maximum age of an insured at the moment of contract signing: 65 years
Maximum age of an insured at the moment of contract termination: 75 years
Minimal age of an insured at the moment of signing the contract 15 years
The insured person can be replaced by another employee, working in the same company  
Minimum annual premium 300 EUR