
In order to guarantee the financial security of your future EUROLIFE Group offers a broad range of products and plans with the main emphasis on capital-forming life and accident insurance.

These internationally well proven products meet the strict requirements of our clients and are offered in packages which are tailored to the specific needs and demands of our customers.

GRAWE Excellent profit

This program is profit orientated. Accumulation is combined with life insurance.

GRAWE Excellent profit main insurance can be combined with additionals: 

Main insurance

  • These premiums will be invested with minimal risk and the partial income will be paid with the invested amount

Additional insurance

  • Death due to an accident insurance. The covering amount can be equal to the invested amount.
  • Disability due to an accident insurance. In this case, a percentage is paid from the invested amount.
GRAWE Excellent profit
Shortest possible term of contract: 10 years
Maximum age of an insured at the moment of contract termination: 75 years
Minimal age of an insured at the moment of signing the contract: 15 years
Minimal annual premium: 300 EUR
Gender: male/female
Age: 30 years (D.O.B. 1986)
Contract term:   20 years
Annual investment:   1.500 EUR
Accumulated amount: 28.767 EUR
Participation in the income*) 9.028,31 EUR
Planned income: 37.795,31 EUR
In the case of the insured's death to natural causes, the invested amount and income to that moment will be paid out.